What You Can Expect From Your Workouts


What to Expect During Your Workout with Suzie Cooney

Your personal hour of power

An accountability partner

Challenging, fun workouts

Someone who will push you

A positive, healthy influence

Uplifting, encouraging

Break throughs every session

I’m your guide to be as efficient and powerful as possible in 60 minutes. You will be held to task and held accountable to participate and engage at full capacity. I am known as the nicest trainer on the planet; however, I will challenge you mentally and physically, but always safely with success in mind.

“”Whether you desire to be a stronger in life, feel and look great, improve your surfing, stand up paddling strength,  or just need to lose unwanted weight, I can help you break through any barriers that are preventing you from success. If you are here reading this page, I’m assuming you’re as serious as I am about your health. You may be coming off an injury, just had a baby or want to simply feel energized again. Many clients experience their first “a ha” moment within as early as our first session.

This is amazing to witness when the lights go on. It’s the best reward about being a trainer and the best opportunity for us to make BIG things happen. I like to give people the comfort and space to be themselves and let loose, so together, as a team we uncover and discover what might have been preventing you from reaching your goals on your own. I want you to laugh, feel strong and awesome every minute you are with me. This is your “hour of power” and to let the rest of the world disappear. Bottom line, it’s all about you when you’re with me.

“I will always set you up to succeed.”

“I raise the bar very high for myself, so you can be sure I’ll raise it even higher for you.”

Bo ForsterPictured here is my client Bo Forster, former ski-cross champ from Aspen, now SUP paddler on Maui. We’ve had some amazing moments together in the studio and on the ocean and I’ve had the sincere pleasure of seeing her grow in many ways. It’s the greatest gift to see her push hard and go to this special place and really bring it! I believe in her but what’s better, she believes more in herself.

There is the take away, besides being strong she is a life warrior and makes her health a priority. Each workout is safe and exciting, and sometimes entertaining, every time. Remember, we don’t want your body to plateau or for you to be bored. With the program I’ve designed custom for you, it will be challenging at times, but I promise to make it educational and fun! I will be with you, side by side, encouraging you and spotting you when necessary.

Whether your goals are to gain strength, reduce body fat, increase your performance for your sport; the program I design for you (refer to the OPT™ section) will be extremely successful and improve your health overall. Each session includes core, balance and strength training. We may also include interval cardio components too. I provide towels, fluids and snacks to keep you well hydrated and fueled for fun! I also track your performance each and every time so I can evaluate where we are and if we need to make changes in your program to get the desired results. I want to give you as many of my training jewels as possible so you don’t need me. I want you to incorporate the healthy lifestyle that awaits you without me. We just need you to make that commitment. I’m here to push you, encourage and guide you.

“You will achieve great “life and health” success training with me!”

Contact me today to make a positive change in your life. I offer a complimentary, in person, 20 minute visit so you can get to know me and ask me any questions you wish. This is also an opportunity for me to pre-qualify you to determine if my method and approach is right for you. Or if you are seeking SKYPE training, I can also offer you the same.

I strive to have balance in my life and I hope you do the same. I am available weekdays only Hawaii, Pacific Time, or if SUP coaching or visiting Maui, other arrangements will be considered. My schedule is often very full with a waiting list, so I appreciate your patience and encourage you to plan in advance. In the meantime you can also follow me on Facebook to get some really cool updates and also join my private, secure mailing list, where you’ll receive first hand the latest from Maui. You can sign up for free here:

You can also contact me through this website by clicking here.

You CAN be healthy, strong and fit!

Suzie Cooney

I've been changing people’s lives since 2001. I look forward to working with you too!

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My New Book, How to Increase Your Stand Up Paddling Performance
Now available on Amazon in both Print and Kindle

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