I’m Suzie Cooney. As a downwind SUP specialist and elite athlete, I have trained hundreds of people from all over the world on and off the water and have reached thousands more via my number one selling book and other platforms. Prior to that as a coach and trainer on Maui since 2001, a motivational speaker, mental health advocate and mentor to many up-and-coming star ocean athletes.
My additional focus now, post-Covid, is working with people and athletes of all levels who may need a serious confidence boost and/or mindset shift acceleration to help them improve their overall performance and get their body AND brain back in the game.
Another way I am helping athletes and others as they transition into the next phase of their life or their encore life. Often this happens due to injury, an unforseen event or circumstance. I give them courage and clarity to harness their gifts and talents in their next best life. Additionally, I’m forever helping people develop not only their bodies but strengthening their minds.
Remember the best in the world surround themselves with the best in the world. Those that have a deeper wisdom, similar life experiences and the practiced knowledge to help them explore and expand their dreams and full potential.

coach to
help them realize their dreams and goals!
Additionally, I offer the same support and coaching to those looking for a Thinking Partner, Progressive Guidance towards specific outcomes and goals, and also Deep Neuro-Transformational Coaching with VIP Support, for those seeking major shifts and big changes. Learn more here
More detail:
For over 11 years I specialized in coaching athletes and people to conquer the infamous, world-renowned 10 mile downwind open course called the Maliko Run here on the North shore of Maui. Athletes from all around the world would gather to experience this ultimate pinnacle, highly advanced stretch of fast moving, big wave and swell filled, gut churning water.
To support and advance the sport I wrote a book what is touted as “the SUP Bible’ called How to Increase Your Stand Up Paddling Performance, Beginner to Elite, which still sells worldwide. I also trademarked and created a clothing line called Maliko Run™ shipping custom designs all over the world.
Living the life I love – at the top of my game! And then Covid hit.
As with countless other people, the pandemic brought it all to a screeching halt. Everything I had built over 2 decades disappeared almost instantly. My in-person coaching, and training were shut down. I canceled the Maliko Run coaching and parked my clothing line in an internet dark space. After a lot of thinking, wandering, isolation time, I decided to pivot and now my whole focus is working with people and athletes at all stanges in life, as they transition into the next phase of their life. Just as I did.
Even more detail:
For years I created and lived and taught the mantra, “The Mind Wins First.” I dedicated an entire chapter in my book, titled “The Mental Part” in which I guide athletes how to show up and shape up their entire mental game. I’ve educated myself on body and brain and knew enough about the brain and mind to know that our thoughts create our reality. This is the framework I have used while training my athletes for the past 2 decades.
During the pandemic, as I trained clients from all over the world virtually, I immersed myself in a year-long advanced neuroscience course to do a deeper dive into the latest science behind the brain/body connection and now I am a Certified Neuro-Transformational Coach (CNTC) (ICF Accredidated) working with individuals and athletes of all levels as they transition into the next phase of their life. It’s been amazing to work with my clients and see them unlock something deeper inside, something that has been untapped, lying dormant. Once we harness this knowledge and practice using it, we raise our level of awareness and there is no limit to what we can do.
When any person or athlete begins to transition into a different life, either forced by injury or other circumstances, I help them rediscover their gifts in an entire new light making for their future to perhaps be even more incredible than the past.
Connect with me today for a conversation if you’d like to learn and explore more about what this form of neuroscience based coaching offers. I’d enjoy spending a little time with you getting to know you and your needs. To reach me direct click here now, or take a peek here to read what others are saying.
Suzie Cooney, CNTC, CPT