Aloha Windsurf Enthusiasts,

I’m so grateful of the kindness and feedback that every so often comes my way, as it is the greatest reward. My clients inspire me everyday with their dedication to their water sports and health. As a trainer who specializes in water sports performance and windsurfer myself, it’s pretty awesome to get emails like the one below written by my client, Mike Abrams of Pukalani, Maui.  Mahalo Mike!

“To all those water sports men and women it may concern,

After my sailing sessions yesterday and today, I simply felt compelled to write this endorsement about Suzie’s training methods, that I have been blessed with for almost 5 years. I am the luckiest windsurfer on the planet to have found Suzie as my personal trainer. Every day, I find that I am performing moves and controlling my board and sail better than ever before. I am a very humble person, with I hope a low ego and no expectations of how I am going to sail with each session.

However, I can honestly let my fellow sailors know that I have improved, and sail with much more confidence and balance skills than ever before, no matter what the conditions seem to be. Like today, I sailed an hour and a half and never missed one jibe and yesterday sailed in overpowering conditions, and performed jibes on the outside (while most folks fell into the over choppy and gusty blown water) with total control.

I directly attribute these increased balance skills to Suzie’s training which includes not only balance training, but core strength training too, along with regular weight lifting. I can actually feel my legs lifting up from a squatted position (because of having to keep the board on the water in over powered conditions around the turns) towards windward to help keep my balance. Also, I can now jibe in light winds with much greater confidence because of increased balance abilities. I could go on and on about how my sailing has improved because of Suzie’s training. I experience her training with every session I sail.

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Please hire Suzie if you are wanting to improve and strengthen your windsurfing or any water sports skills, as she is a fellow water sportswoman. She simply knows how to guide you in her training studio. Mahalo for listening and Mahalo Suzie for all you do. I look forward to my next training session.

Best Aloha to All, Mike Abrams, a more than satisfied  Suzie Trains Maui life-long client.”

Suzie Cooney, CPT

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