Bay Area Bluerush Boardsports and Imagine Surf Host Downwind
SUP Course with Suzie Cooney


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Bluerush Board Sports Imagine Surf

Bluerush is very excited to announce that Maui’s own Suzie Cooney will be at Bluerush September 24th for an in depth Downwind SUP Clinic. Suzie’s backyard is the North Shore of Maui and her playground and classroom is the stretch of waters known as the Maliko Run.

She has taught hundreds the art of SUPing downwind and her fitness students include SUP Elite stars such as Connor Baxter and Kody Kerbox.

She is also the author of “How to increase your Standup Paddling Performance”.

Course Details

  • Date:              Saturday September 24t, 2016 
  • Location:        Bar Bocce Beach (across from Bluerush 1201 Bridgeway, Sausalito, CA)
  • Time:               11:30AM-1:00PM
  • Cost:                $75 per person (Limited to 8) “On Beach Clinic”  All levels welcome

$150 per person (Limited to 3) “On the Bay downwind by Protector Boat”   SOLD OUT!!
NOTE: It is recommended that you have downwind experience. The downwinder portion is not for beginners.

  • Registration: Payment in Advance required Via PayPal contact Suzie Cooney


Visit Suzie Trains Maui to learn more about Suzie:

Check out Bluerush Boardsports here:

Boards by Imagine Surf:

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