Beach Body Recomposition: Helpful Tips and a Special Maui Beach Workout

body recompositionBody recomposition is the best way gain muscle and lost fat at the same time, while offering a long-term solution that is totally sustainable for your active lifestyle.

One thing is sure: my customized, remarkably motivating Maui beach workout helps blast my clients’ body recomposition transformations one hundred percent! And it’s a total blast.

With the bluest blue ocean sky and the perfect soft sand between your toes, everyone knows who trains with me; my custom Maui beach workouts are fire. They are my secret sauce of success, accelerating my clients’ body recomp or recomposition and providing ultimate life transformation victory. 

This article will provide a simple outline or framework for approaching your total body recomposition and body transformation. I also included extra information from my proven and enlightening neuro-transformational coaching tips. 

This type of training approach, which is exhilarating, challenging, fun, and never thebody recomposition same, is an example of one of the essential components required to ensure success. These workouts are strategically planned, specific to a person’s ability, skills, strengths, and needs, and can push the needle to red. 

Watch Jenna’s inspiring workout reel as she recently came to Maui to train with me. Two and three times a week, we’d push that needle to red. They loved it! Sand, sweat, and seawater are a great mix.


My client Jenna in the reel above was featured in the article I recently wrote “The No. 1 Action for Guaranteed Fitness Success” revealing so many little mini breakthroughs that continue to drive her success. I have been training and mindset coaching with her for ten years, as she travels the world as a busy, super mega-successful entrepreneur. 

The switch went on at a particularly pivotal time in her life, and she told me she was READY. So, we circled the wagons and together created a dream team to get the results she was looking for, and now, there is simply no going back. This was critical because of the demands of her time and her career. All the while, she remained fully committed. 

The dream team included a certified nutritionist, physical therapist, and me her Maui personal trainer. (Remember, the best in the world surround themselves with the best in the world).

Secondly, we determined that going for a body recomposition would lead to success and long-term sustainability, keeping her motivation high and anticipating visible early results.



Body recomposition is simply when a person aims to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously. Many people feel overwhelmed at the thought of this being possible. It does not need to be more complicated than people make it out to be. It’s a balance of understanding the importance of nutrition and training in a balance that allows for both. 

The process of signaling the body to utilize its fat stores for energy while building muscle. It is possible. I am personally doing some of the same, and it’s working! 

I often introduce body recomp to some of my clients as a plateau shifter, a breakthrough opportunity to go to the next level of a person’s fitness goal or state of identity when working towards their NEW self-identity with their fitness and life goals. And of course if you want to come to Maui for my beach workouts, that’s a wonderful added fire factor.

body compositionPart of the body recomposition prep is determining your total body composition by getting the most accurate data to differentiate your muscle and fat mass. This can be done through a DEXA  scan. It’s superior to measuring total body mass and the most accurate way to track progress. It allows for a more defining selection of training types and nutrient requirements. 

The DEXA scan is most helpful in calculating the number of calories needed for healthy sustainability and overall calorie management. Long gone are the days of starving yourself to lose weight.

The DEXA scan method can also help you identify muscle imbalances by determining that specific muscles are weaker than other body parts. This information may help prevent future injuries. 


WEEK ONE & TWO – Adjust to your new identity, feed it well, train hard, be patient; you start feeling good. Keep going, don’t stop.

WEEK FOUR: You notice little things; your body looks slightly different, your thoughts are clear, and you are focused. Keep going, don’t stop.

WEEK 6-8 People start telling you, “Wow, what are you doing? You look strong; you look good.” Keep going, don’t stop. 

Month 6-8: You are different, wildly stronger, and see yourself and the new identity in action and play. You have changed your body composition. Pat yourself on the back as you look where you started. Look in the mirror. You know in your heart and deep in your core, there is no going back, ever. Keep going, don’t stop.


  1. MINDSET –WHO do you want to become? What is the new identity of the new YOU? How do you see yourself? How do you want to show up in the world on the water, at the beach, or in the gym.

  2. NEW YOU– think about what kind of ACTIONS this person must take to achieve this new identity. What KIND of decisions and consistent actions will this new identity require?

  3. COMMIT/ PLAN/ CONSISTENCY:  Create your dream team, prioritize yourself, and remove people, things, and beliefs that will not serve or support you and your quest for this new identity. This level of commitment and training, eating requires time and planning. And of course, you don’t stop; you must be consistent. ( This is where my neuroscience brain-based neuro coaching is a huge help.

  4. NUTRITION that will support the new identity. It’s super finite with this new identity. This does not have to be complicated.
  5. HEALTHY CALORIE DEFICIT: It’s not what you think, so steady is the name of this nutrition game. We’re talking only a 200-300 deficit at first.

  6. MACROS: The “magnificent three”: Carbs, Proteins, Fat = High Performance Fueling, These ratios will vary based on your goals, age, and training routine

  7. MUSCLE recomposition: Build muscle, lose fat, signal your body to use its existing fat stores as energy towards building muscle, and as a result, build muscle and lose fat simultaneously.

  8. PROTEIN:  1g/lb BW  This can also vary based on your profile.

  9. TRAINING: Push hard in each set + volume of reps 10-20: (this is generally speaking) 

COACH: That’s me. I’m here to help you navigate, train your brain, educate, inspire, and get results.

Since my surgery in early May of 2024, I have been implementing a blend of these training frameworks (especially my beach workouts), and I am pleased with the results. Being off the water for 9 months and unable to train at my usual high mile, high-intensity levels has been a fascinating journey for me and others. 

I’m grateful to be back on the water, enjoying the ocean and the community of friends and ocean athletes.  I truly missed it. I feel good; I am, feel, and look strong. 

Most importantly, my message is to encourage you, male or female, to rethink your approach to your health and fitness. This type of training is not for everyone, but it sure is a great feeling to be extra strong and know that my body can manage a normal amount of calories through a specific focus on protein, fats, and carbs ( WE NEED CARBS for fuel ).

More muscle than fat goes a long way in everything you do. Additionally, skinny is not fit. I need muscle to help me charge big waves and support my bones, joints, tendons, and brain. 

Keep in mind, this is a long game here. Body recomposition is nothing new. While it’s getting lots of hype on social media, it is a viable and sustaining way to ensure total overall body strength, health, and brain function for decades to come.

In the best scenario, once you’ve adapted your body and mind to this new identity, the latest vessel of strength and amazingness, the highest level of mastery is to become so dialed into your body that you become intuitive to your total body’s need. THAT is the ultimate win.

Above all, the other big gain and win for you during a transformation journey such as this is the increased confidence you will gain. More things in life will feel possible. You will take more bold steps to meet your new power.

Remember, when the Mind Wins First the body will follow. Be courageous, bold in 2025.

Are you ready for a radical change? Imagine if you contacted me 3 or 6 months ago! Don’t let another day go by without being the strongest you could ever imagine. My Zoom training is just as effective. I can make it easy and fun with minimal equipment. You don’t need to come to Maui to get the same results.

Contact me if you’d like help to make a personal transformation; this is my specialty.  I can get you on your road to victory today.

Warm Aloha and strength,

Suzie Cooney,

If you’d like to discover your brain’s secret weapon for total transformation success, and discover how to quickly turn any fail to a sure fire win, learn more from my latest articles:

THE POWER OF STRUCTURE: Your Brain’s Secret Weapon for Health & Fitness.

QUICKLY FLIP FAILS TO WINS, And Focus On This One Thing.

Start Your Total Body Recompositon Transformation Journey With Me Today

Unlock your potential with our Maui Beach Workouts designed to reshape your body and elevate your mindset. Embrace the power of  expert guidance as you embark on a transformative experience that lasts beyond the beach. Are you ready to redefine your limits and achieve the victory you deserve? Imagine if we started working together 3 months ago. Contact me today! me on Instagram @suzie_cooney 

   Also on Instagram @themindwinsfirst


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Aloha & Welcome to our Suzie Trains Maui & The Mind Wins First Ohana! Mahalo for signing up for our private and secure email list. In strength, Suzie Cooney, CPT, CNTC

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