Before You Set Your 2025 New Year Goals, Flip These Fails to Wins, Focus on This One Thing

photo Blake Hill
Before you set your 2025 New Year goals, discover how to flip common fails to wins. Next, focus on just ONE thing and commit. My friends, success is a long game.
First let’s ask these questions:
- Don’t you want to look back in 6-8 months and be proud of yourself?
- How would it FEEL to do something different and finally achieve something important to you?
- Are you tired of self-sabotaging yourself only to quit in the first 2 or 3 weeks?
- What do you fear if you make your dream, goal, or desire come true? What’s the worst thing that could happen?
- What’s the BEST thing that could happen?
- How would your life change if you became someone different and realized your dream?
Wow, this is big, right? We all crave and desire so much “new” and “better,” “fitter” and “stronger,” yet why do so many people become defeated, give up, stop trying, and worse, create barriers to success? That’s the million-dollar question that keeps trainers and coaches like me in business.

This two-part article will first list common phrases and words I’ve encountered in my practice over 25 years that hit the ear and mind with a pretty negative, defeatist tone, truly setting the stage on the low probability achievement scale.
I’ll then give you the “winning opposite” to flip the script. This creates a winning, creative, success-oriented mindset, allowing for a higher probability of accomplishments on the achievement scale. A no-brainer!

Suzie Cooney, ALL Rights Reserved 2025
To make these stick, I’ll add my strategic method to ensure multiple mini victories that can continue within the “one” thing ( Part Two ), to ensure you are on the right track.
Second, part two The One Thing, of this article encourages and provides an illustrated example of one’s opportunity for tremendous success in achieving a New Year commitment, goal (I refuse to use the R-word), or desire- when it’s placed in a different, more forward-thinking, long-term perspective

Part One: Flipping the Fails to Win + Strategy to Make Them Stick
When you’re able to shape your mindset you’ll have a great chance of success. The shape or perspective of your values and beliefs towards your goals and focus can be highly favorable in your long term results.
These are a just a few examples of what I know of from my personal experience, my advanced neuro-transformational coaching and from my personal training clients and professional athletes. If you have a few, please share and leave in the comment section.
HIGHER % FAILS: Mindsets & Phrases Frustration, Black & White Thinking, Overwhelmed, Hopelessness, Anxiety, Fear, Ego |
HIGHER % WINS: Mindsets & Phrases Courage, Bravery, Authentic, Curious, Openness, Objectivity, Solution Oriented, Motivation |
Self-defeating belief system, self-sabotage | Realign values, self-awareness |
Carbs are bad | Carbs are necessary for performance |
“I’m dreading this new workout program” | “I’m so excited to learn new things and watch my body transform. It’s hard work but I can do it.” |
Short term game (it may have it’s place) | Long term game |
Addicted to the scale | How do your clothes fit |
“I’ll try” | “I am” |
“I can’t possibly do that” | “I don’t know how I’ll do it, but I’m going to find a way and I will get there” |
Stressed out, lack of sleep, no time to workout | Create more structure, balance in life, prioritize you |
People pleasing, overwhelm | Boundaries, self-care |
Yo-yo dieting, binge eating | Improve relationship with food |
Starvation Diets | Small meals all throughout the day |
Suzie Trains Maui, LLC all rights reserved 2025 |
Simple Strategy to Activate The Positive, Productive Phrases and Mindsets :
Did any of these phrases or descriptions of ways of thinking resonate with you? Could you identify with one or more of these statements or frames of mind? Were you able to think of goals in your past that did not pan out because of one or more of these mindsets or phrases.
Here’s a simple strategy I have used with my clients that has proven to be a fantastic process to prepare them for success in reaching and completing their aspirations, goals, and intentions.
I think you may agree that if you can be more aware of your internal framework, ways of thinking, perspective, and experiences before you embark on setting goals or intentions for the New Year, you may discover you’ll have a much better, more productive, more satisfying, long-term result or outcome.
- Pick 2-3 mindsets or phrases in the Fail column that struck a chord, resonates.
- Next, look to that right and absorb and engage the description in the Win column. Reflect for a moment on a goal or desire that fell apart because perhaps you were stuck in the Fail column of that phrase or mindset.
- From here, pick one of the 2-3 mindsets you noticed called your attention and envision and imagine how this NEW and improved mindset you could work on, commit to, and embrace. This is called a Re-Frame. Put into practice immediately, consistently- with passion and a forward-thinking “can do” attitude to help you throughout the New Year.
- Watch what happens!
Part Two: Focus on This One Thing (see illustration below)
I’d like to share with you a fantastic method of focusing on one thing (sometimes two) that you can do that supports your goal or intention; you will be amazed at how this can increase your outcome of attaining and reaching your goal tenfold.
You must finally examine all the necessary steps to reach a goal or intention. This process can be daunting, overwhelming, and too much. You don’t know how or what the steps are and how even to begin. This is where the wagon wheels get loose, and eventually, one or two wheels or all four fall off. Then, this equals defeat, and you quit. Sound familiar?
So, instead, try this:
Identify an achievable goal, desire, or intention. (This should take some deep, reflective, genuine thought)
Go to the table above and ask yourself how is my mindset? What could or might get in the way of my ultimate success? What phrase(s) or mindset (s) do I need to flip?
Work on that, and include that as an action step.
Think about ALL the action steps you may need to take to support the goal.
FOCUS on ONE THING or action that you can own, commit to, and make happen every day for the long game.
Take that ONE THING (action), bring it forward as the main focus of achieving that goal, and notice what happens over time. (See the illustration and example below)
3-6 months Re-Evaluate, make adjustments if necessary
Here’s an illustration of my intention to build and maintain muscle mass all throughout the year. The automatic action step (focus) that I know for me, will add significantly to my success, besides strength training 3x a week. My focus is making sure I ingest and eat enough protein on a daily basis.
The amazing thing about have just this one focus supports my overall goal and raises my achievement probability to a higher level. This is the One Thing I can control, I can maintain and make necessary adjustments along the way, therefore keeping all the wheels on my wagon tight. If one wheel gets wobbly, I know I can manage this one focus this one things and all should be good.
This ONE THING, eating 90-100+ grams of protein a day in my FOCUS, towards my goal:

Now, here’s the remarkable catch. After your 3-6 month evaluation, review and check in with your current focus success. Make adjustments if needed. Try it if you feel you can “add on” another FOCUS. Remember the reality, the size and scope of the additional FOCUS, and the ability to work this into your life schedule. Ensure all the wheels are tight so that it doesn’t throw you off course. Make sure that this additional focus is also sustainable and realistic.
I’m feeling really good about your New Year of strength, mind growth, and new opportunities with new, powerful perspectives to guide you to way more wins than fails. Focus on you, keep is simple, keep it real.
I’m here to help you improve your body strength. Help you make incredible impacts on all you do with clarity and new found talents and skills you may never know existed.
Please feel free to share what your FOCUS will be this year. Drop a note in the comment section. Also, please share this article if you think it may help someone you care about.
Bring it 2025! This year I sincerely believe has interesting, exciting adventures ahead.
Suzie Cooney, CPT, CNTC
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The Mind Wins First: