Before You Step On The Water Hop Aboard The Indo Board Balance Trainer Gear


For years I’ve been training myself and people from around the world to up their SUP performance. I could not do it without the Indo Board Gigante Flo Cushion combined with the Indo Board Pro Kicktail.  This is a winning combination if you’re into surfing, stand up paddle surfing and downwinders, or if you simply like to cruise around. Go deeper, paddle the distance, cut that buoy turn, and carve harder with new-found strength.

I’ve produced lots of videos and articles, ( see links below )  using this gear and it still rings true that the better your brain is trained with proprioception work and functional training such as this type of training, the better you’ll perform out there on the water. Time and time again my clients and I notice a HUGE difference when you’ve put a bit of time into your land training. Right away you will feel the transfer to all the muscles you need to manage small surf, big surf or if you’re looking simply to improve your balance.

Most people rely on their large muscles, such as the hip, the knee and the ankle, to literally push them through a bottom turn or to catch a glide on a downwinder. However, if you can call up all of the tiny finer muscles to fire first then signal the larger muscles to jump in, your performance could increase ten-fold. Additionally, everyone talks, core core core.. it’s true.  The core is everything excluding your extremities so train it, as it’s one of the many benefits that you’ll gain when using this gear.

I literrally could not continue my career as a coach and trainer and professional paddler without the Indo Board Balance Training Gear. I’d have to retire as a checkerboard champion or something like that.

No but seriously, I’m very sincere when I write this. You’ll have a blast and you’ll really improve at the sport you love.

Check out all my videos and learn how I train the pros. Get your gear right here or look for the links in the sidebars of this post.  If you have questions, please feel free to contact me through my website. I’m happy to help.  I’d love to learn how you’re SUP and surf game has improved!  Please leave a comment.

Here’s are links to some of the videos and articles that show you how to train: and also


Suzie Cooney, CPT

Owner of Suzie Trains Maui, LLC

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