Aloha and Merry Christmas! As we approach the New Year, it’s time for many of us to take special inventory of family, life and our own personal health. I am so thankful for being on Maui and to surf on Christmas; a tradition in my house!
Not everyone is as lucky to live in Maui and surf, eat fresh fish, and simply enjoy the natural healthy lifestyle that surrounds us. But even if you are in the coldest place in the world, you can embrace health even in the simplist ways:
1. Make YOU a priority each and everyday to exercise or do an activity you enjoy.
2. Embrace your life as it is today, and strive hard to make ever lasting healthy lifestyle choices. Surround yourself with people that challenge you, inspire you and believe in you. It really makes a difference!
3. Look in the mirror and like what you see. Having a healthy body image and loving yourself inside and out is contagious and I think very attractive.
4. Forget New Years resolutions…. they don’t work. Chunk it down and be realistic with your fitness goals. Reward yourself with a new workout top, new surf board, or whatever makes you happy!
And 5. Reflect back and see where you are now and where you want to go; in life, love and health.
Wishing you all that you love to come your way. Be strong in every step you take. Try something new!
Happy Holidays,
Suzie Photo by Simone Reddingius :