by Suzie Cooney | Sep 15, 2013 | Articles, Indo Board Balance Trainer Workouts, Quick Fitness Tips, Windsurf Training Tips
This article was written by Suzie Cooney of Suzie Trains Maui for the NSW Wavesailing Association and covers everything from common windsurfing injuries and a few exercise tips on how to strengthen your body to avoid them.
by Suzie Cooney | Aug 19, 2013 | Articles, Blog, SUP Enthusiasts, SUP Friends & Clients, SUP Inspiration
photo by Richard Hallman. Check out his website There is a saying, it’s not the challenge you face, but how you face the challenge. And that’s what Kody Kerbox did this past Saturday August 17th, at the 2013 Naish Columbia Gorge Paddle...
by Suzie Cooney | Jul 28, 2013 | Articles, Blog, Media & Press, Product Reviews
MAUI, HI. July 28th, 2013 Aloha! Heading off the rock to Salt Lake City, Utah to the Summer Outdoor Retailer with Naish International. I’d love to meet you and paddle with you. Check out the new 2014 boards and paddles on our Open AIr Demo Day Tuesday July...
by Suzie Cooney | Jul 24, 2013 | Articles, Blog, Media & Press, SUP Events
The best part of SUP racing in your own backyard is being surrounded by amazing athletic talent and the good vibes. What a rush it is at the start. Congrats to everyone for a strong finish and a great race!
by Suzie Cooney | Jul 7, 2013 | Articles, Inspiration, Wellness
This article will help you remove obstacles and barriers so you can feel healthier and more fit. Here I share some tips on how you better manage your time so you can stay healthy.
by Suzie Cooney | Mar 4, 2013 | Abs/CORE, Articles, Exercises, Quick Fitness Tips, Surf Training Tips
CORE STABILITY EXERCISES FOR SURFERS USING A FOAM ROLLER: These photos of me were taken by Simone Reddingius from page 53 ( all rights reserved )from the book Surf Survival The Surfer’s Health Handbook. Here we’re showing you how you can improve core stability for...