Coleen is a delightful, lovely, strong surfer who also happens to be an outstanding physician in our community and saves  people’s lives everyday here on Maui. I’m pleased that she has come forward to share her experience with you with the desire to help others get out of their training rut and make positive life changes.  We are making tremendous progress and stay tuned for her results at the end of this month.

She writes:

“A few months ago I had to face the fact that me training me was not working so well. I would work out at the gym, go on brisk walks uphill, and eat reasonably. Then I would look in the mirror and realize that my way was not really working. Two ladies recommended Suzie Cooney and it was obvious that my regime was not very fruitful. We met for an interview to see if we would click. Wow, she was fit and knowledgeable about exercise and diet. What she also excelled at was motivation and creativity. She did a very thorough initial evaluation complete with pictures and measurements.

That was the day I discovered that you are in fact what you eat. I looked like a potato with dark, curly hair. I also had several chins and the posture of an old woman with osteoporosis. Yikes!! I NEED Help. I let this woman, who is quite stunning; measure me in all of my flabbiness. The most remarkable part of this evaluation was how comfortable she made me feel. I never felt belittled or less than her. Beautiful, blond women who are svelte and fit are inherently intimidating to short, out-of-shape, brunettes. Not this lady. She is beautiful inside and out.

My workouts with Suzie are not only designed to get maximum results which I would notice with each and every workout they were also really fun and different every time!  I told her to kick my butt and that she does. I make fun of my flab and Suzie will tell me how much progress I have made. She makes me see that I can do more and get the results I want. She designs her programs individually and they are geared so the client will be successful.

I welcome your call or email and highly recommend you meet with her to see how she can change your life too.”

Coleen Haynes, M. D.



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Aloha & Welcome to our Suzie Trains Maui & The Mind Wins First Ohana! Mahalo for signing up for our private and secure email list. In strength, Suzie Cooney, CPT, CNTC

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