These photos of me were taken by Simone Reddingius from page 53 ( all rights reserved )from the book Surf Survival The Surfer’s Health Handbook.  Here we’re showing you how you can improve core stability for surfing by using the self myofascial roller or also referred to as an SMR roller.  It’s like a self massage when used as a way to roll out tired and sore muscles.  For more exercises to help you gotta see these: See my video

The self myofascial roller is a dense piece of foam, 36 inches in length by 6 inches across in diameter and is often seen in most gyms.  They do come in different densities so be sure to start with the easiest or less intense one. That is usually the ones that are white.  In this illustration we are using the more dense, stiff roller.

When we surf we involve and rely heavily on the muscles of the upper body to pull us through the water on the board into the wave, and then to help assist a fast thrust  up to our feet in 1-2 seconds.  These muscles specifically are of the shoulder, upper neck and back and the also the triceps, also to include the lower back muscles and chest for pushing up.

The lower body, like the hips, knees, legs and ankles also play their part in helping you jump up, stand and carve while we are actually surfing.

So to keep all the above flowing and fluid, one must first have a strong core. The core muscles ( everything excluding the extremities ) are there to stabilize us so our legs and arms can be powerful to catch waves.  Here, co-author, Clay Everline M.D. had me pose in several positions to illustrate how you can build your core strength and stability for surfing.

These are just a few of the exercise we share for a surfer’s fitness plan and there are so many more great tips in the book that also cover:

First Aid, Travel, Dangerous Animals, Fitness, Big Surf and Injury Prevention.

Click here to buy now

If you liked these photos, you’ll like more in the book!

I specialize in water sports performance training and as a surfer myself, I know how to train all levels of surfers and have had the pleasure of having such big wave surfers in my studio like Jamie Sterling, Jeremy Riggs, Buzzy and Kody Kerbox, Chuck Patterson, Casper Steinfath and the list goes on.

Change up your performance and make it solid. Learn all I know to help you build a better core just for surfing. We can also talk about shoulder, leg and hip power. Don’t be left on the shore another day because you’re too weak or sore, I can help you.

You don’t have to live on Maui to train with me as I now offer SKYPE virtual training in all time zones. It’s a blast and effective. Contact me through this website to learn more or for a private consultation.


Suzie Cooney, CPT

Owner of Suzie Trains Maui, LLC
Photos or any content on this blog cannot be used without the written consent of all parties.


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