Virtually training this father daughter duo on Thetis Island, British Columbia, is so much fun. They are dedicated and proof that technology can help us stay in physically and mentally strong. All it takes is a little creativity and imagination, showing up ready to go with a trainer who can make it fun while you sweat.

Did you know you are stronger than you know?

virtually training Suzie Cooney

I’m had the pleasure of training Brad from Portland for many years via SKYPE. When he comes to his other home here on Maui, we hit the water and train hard on the beach. Today he brings his daughter Kelsey to our session. It’s a beautiful summer day as my program plan covers everything from functional, core training, strength training, interval, cardio and upper and lower body strength training.

Need someone to push you harder?

What are you waiting for? I’m here and ready to make your training fun and keep you motivated.

Take a peek at this little video I put together to hopefully inspire others and show just how creative we got, especially with using his Chevy truck door along with two wood splitting wedges for dumbbells. It’s a riot but hey we go the job done.


As you can see, virtually training and virtual fitness, we don’t need a lot of equipment and the program I’ve written allows for fun and effective, results and goal oriented training. It’s very easy to set up your home gym.

Your health is your wealth and especially now more than ever. Stay home and stay strong with me. With the current state of our world regarding COVID, I’m giving all new clients and those who renew a little extra for new packages purchased. Contact me through this website to learn more.

All levels welcome.

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Aloha and Mahalo, Remember #themindwinsfirst

Suzie Cooney

Suzie Trains Maui, LLC

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Indo Board Balance Trainer

Black Project SUP

Hammer Nutrition


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