SuzieTrainsMaui LogoHow to Improve Leg Strength, Endurance and Balance for Stand Up Paddling
By Suzie Cooney, CPT  for Naish SUP Team

As a Naish SUP team rider,  I offer help to the team and to Naish fans and everyone else addicted and stoked on stand up paddling so you can shred and paddle harder and longer.

This should get you fired up:


This exercise is designed with the stand up paddle boarder in mind to help improve balance, reduce fatigue, build leg endurance and independent leg strength.  I’ve written many articles on the topic and here is just one more exercise everyone can do and enjoy the benefits.

If you find your legs shaking and quivering at the beginning or end of an intense downwinder, or you are charging big waves, or if you are just entering the sport of SUP, you may have discovered at some point during your sessions your legs can or have tired quickly. Maybe you had an off day and missed some bumps or glides and stepped off the back of your board?

You already know that balance is a huge part of being a good paddler but so is leg strength.  It’s much easier to train the larger muscle groups such as the glutes, quads, hamstrings and calve muscles, but what about the tine supportive muscles around the ankle joint, knees and hips?  They are often under trained and overlooked.

My training style is functional training first, then we load and fire full force. There’s a million and one ways I could show you how to do this, but for now we’ll keep it simple.  If you are a beginner paddler to the most extreme you’ll find this particular exercise very challenging.  You will be able to modify accordingly based on your level of fitness.

Exercise: Single Leg Touchdown

GEAR:  5-10lb dumbbell Indo Board Balance Gigante Flo Cushion,
Indo Board Balance Rocker Board
and/or Pro Kicktail Board

Suzie Cooney Suzie Trains Maui

Floor to Gigante Flo Cushion No weights to weight

Low inflation of Gigante Flo Cushion 30%-90%

Indo Board Rocker Board to Indo Board Pro Kicktail Board

Top of thigh, to knee, to foot     2-5 second hold

Suggested Reps/Sets:  8-12 each leg, 1-2 sets
Movement Tempo/Speed: Controlled with 2-5s hold at bottom

Below: Progression on Rocker Board – Beginner to Intermediate:

Begin with Gigante Flo Cushion nubby side up, place and position board in center.  Here, the Gigante Flo cushion is inflated at about 30%. Place right foot on the center of the Indo Board, knee slightly bent, left foot near by to spot. With really good posture, dumbbell in left hand, slowly bend at right hip, and reach with dumbbell to top of foot without looking down at it.  Hold for 2-5 seconds to increase challenge and intensity.

Suzie Cooney Suzie Trains Maui

Slowly rise back to start position keep right knee slightly bent, and return to full upright position to finish full repetition. If you can’t get to the top of the foot, start with top of thigh, then to knee then to foot.

More Advanced: Perform on Pro Indo Board Kicktail:

Suzie Trains Maui, Suzie Cooney

 Training Tip: Keep foot relaxed, perform barefoot or in shoe that is small wedge ( no running shoes or trainers that have extreme cushion), don’t grab with toes, keep dumbbell lose in your hand.

Good luck and see you on the water!

For more tips like these to increase your stand up paddling performance go to

Suzie Trains  &

NaishLogo_blkCheck out all the Naish Boards here:


To order your Indo Board Gigante Flo Cushion and Rocker Board or Kicktail Board CLICK HERE

Photos by Simone Reddingius: 

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Aloha & Welcome to our Suzie Trains Maui & The Mind Wins First Ohana! Mahalo for signing up for our private and secure email list. In strength, Suzie Cooney, CPT, CNTC

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