Cami Maui's New Teen Health Role Model

Cami Maui's New Teen Health Role Model

Introducing my new Maui Teen Health & Fitness Role Model, Cami Comet! I will be asking Cami to send us her workout routines, what she eats to stay healthy and how she is helping her friends at school, stay fit!  Welcome Cami. Super cool to have you on the Suzie Trains Maui Team!  You go Cami! Feel free to leave Cami a comment to welcome her! Suzie

Cami writes: 

I am fourteen years old, and my goals are to stay consistent with my eating habits, and to get some physical exercise in, but still have time for school, friends, and family. Maybe even exercising with those people also.

The sports I like to do are soccer, beach volleyball, tennis, swimming, running, bowling, hiking, water activities, etc. I love all of those, and there is more, Cami & Promisebut I am not necessarily that great at doing the sports, I just like to have fun! 

I also love my veggies. I pretty much like all of my vegetables except for radishes, mushrooms, etc. But there is just one veggie that I will eat with every meal, and that is asparagus. Although I do like broccoli, brussel sprouts, and salad; asparagus is my number one!

Being fit and healthy means feeling good, looking good, and staying at it. Meaning keeping your diet under control, and squeezing time in to be active.


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