Maui_Jim_logo160 “Your event takes such a great approach to health, fitness and fun…we would love to help out” says Dave Siragusa, Maui Jim’s sponsorship and event specialist.

 Maui Jim will be providing over 25 prizes in the constantly growing “Grand Raffle Event” including 6 pairs of Maui Jim premium sunglasses!  Other prizes include their high quality logo beach towels, visors and clothing.  “It’s an amazing and very generous contribution.  We’re really excited to have such a high end, globally recognized brand originating from Maui involved in this event.  Their glasses are incredibly well designed and a functionally superior product to what’s available on the market, and while living here, we really need it.  All of our contributing sponsors are really stepping up to make this a fantastic day for our guests.” says event co-host Tommy Callan of Beach Boy Events.

 Maui Jim patented proprietary technology keeps the sunny days crisp and distortion free, while keeping the occasional overcast, cloudy days brighter and more clear.

 What was once a small sunglass company started in the old whaling town of Lahaina, Maui in the early 1980’s has evolved into an international optical leader in premium eyewear. 

 Maui Jim sunglasses achieves this extraordinary task by eliminating 100% of UV light and makes reference to UVA as “Aging” light known as “long wave” light which contributes to the aging of skin and tanning.

 A patented 9 layer design including a water proof coating, an anti-reflective “bounce back” layer which prevents eye fatigue, a scratch resistant clear coat, and an optically correct distortion free lens that is bonded to a proprietary polarizing film to eliminate glare and transmit more usable light, insures that your view is the best view!  And with over fifty styles to choose from, it’s safe to say that other’s “view” of you will be pretty good too.

 So come join the Aloha and learn how to do the fastest growing water sport in the world on the beautiful island of Maui at Four Seasons Resort.  Stand Up Paddle Surfing (SUP) is making surfers out of everyone.  You’ve seen the “Stars” do it … now it’s YOUR turn!  SUP will improve your balance, endurance, strength and mindset.  Receive patient, guided instruction from professional instructors and experience the feeling of the “surfer’s glide”. 

“STAND UP for Women’s Health & Fitness” is a FREE, non-competitive event to promote healthy lifestyle choices, self-confidence and breast cancer education for women through sport, nutrition and self awareness.  You’ll not only enjoy learning to SUP, but also to Hula!  Enjoy inspirational guest speakers, plenty of healthy treats and fun prizes.  Maybe you’ll even win your own pair of Maui Jim glasses!

For more information or to join other sponsors please contact: Tommy Callan at or Suzie Cooney at

Official Website to register and become a sponsor

or email

Stay tuned for more details. 

Tommy Callan
Beach Boy Events

Suzie Cooney, CPT
Suzie Trains Maui


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Aloha & Welcome to our Suzie Trains Maui & The Mind Wins First Ohana! Mahalo for signing up for our private and secure email list. In strength, Suzie Cooney, CPT, CNTC

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