Maui Maliko Run Summer Downwind Fun with Suzie Cooney

The summer trades on Maui have been epic and we’ve had some unusual ground swell, making for super fun Maliko Runs. This was shot  August 5th, 2017 and if you like BIG glides and BIG music and a splash of humor, you’ll love my video.

My long time good friend, Bill Hofmann and I have seen it all together and have paddled winter mountains of water on Maliko. It’s no joke out there and of course the camera ( special top secret GoPro mount ), never really shows the trued size of the swells, but it’s still cool.

This day the swells were topping out in the 6-7ft range but the extremely high tide with the full moon, made for silky smooth glides that connected forever. The wind was gusting up to 35mph, and a steady 25-30mph.

I hope you’ll comment and share the stoke. Be safe out there and where your leash, bring hydration and phone and/or personal beacon.

If you want to REALLY learn more about our famous 10 mile stretch of downwind magic, check out my website: or go here: There’s tons of cool clothing and articles and more.  You can buy cool Maliko Run™ hats and t-shirts too. 

For training tips on how to become a stronger downwind paddlers, check out some of my training videos here:

Thanks for watching! Suzie Cooney

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