Difficulty Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Muscle Group(s): Abs / Obliques
Equipment: 2 paper plates, mat
Progression: Lift both legs off ground, bend at knees
Feet flat on ground, shoulder width apart
Press low back into mat; imagine filling a bucket, tilt pelvis towards you
Lift your shoulders completely off mat, hold and touch chin.
Place hands on plates, with each plate outside of heels.



Tempo: 1-1-1
Repeat movement sequence for recommended repetitions
Keep spine in place. Do not generate movement from arms and/or shoulders. The movement should originate from your abs. Really lock in and focus!
For Obliques: Simply slide plate on alternating sides. Hold that stomach tight! Make each rep count!
Any questions, feel free to contact me : Suzie Cooney, CPT
Suzie Trains Maui