Single Leg Bicep Curl with foot on Stability Ball
This is very advanced, and one should only progress if hips and knees are strong and stable.
- Balance on a single leg with foot pointing straight ahead and knee slightly flexed while maintaining a stable position over your 2nd & 3rd toe.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms extended by side of body.
- Maintaining level hips and a drawn in position, perform a bicep curl by flexing the elbow.
- Slowly lower the dumbbell back to the side of the body by extending the elbows.
- For the Hammer Curls, switch feet to continue your balancing!
Challenge: Balance of Course! Tall upper body, smooth and controlled. Remember, your arm is a lever, your hand is there just to hold the weight. Lighten your grip! Concentrate on the contraction of the bicep..hold it all the way through the movement…!
Suzie Cooney, CPT