Sugar is the New Cocaine and It’s Killing You
Sugar was chosen over cocaine and proven by laboratory rats to be as addictive as cocaine revealed in the documentary everyone should see called Fed Up the movie home page. The film produced in 2014 by Stephanie Soechtig, according to Wikipedia, more information on the documentary Fed Up Fed Up shows how the first dietary guidelines issued by the U.S. government 30 years ago overlooked the role of dietary sugar in increasing risks of obesity, diabetes, and associated ill-health outcomes, particularly in children. Since these guidelines effectively condoned unlimited addition of sugar to foods consumed by children, sugar consumption has greatly increased, obesity has skyrocketed, and generations of children have grown up far fatter than their parents. These children face impaired health and shorter lifespans as a result.[6][7]
America is out of control in portions, lack of exercise, drive through mania, inactivity and who is paying for this, you are. You are paying with your life and paying out of your pocket.
See the official trailer below of Fed Up the movie every single family and school should be showing in their classrooms across America.
Please share this with your friends, your doctor, your teacher your wife or your husband. Our own government is letting this happen.
My client today weighed in and has lost 12lbs in 3 weeks from eliminating sugar. Think of how your life would change if you simply lost 10 pounds. Please start today and stop poisoning your body and your mind. You have so much to live for.
Suzie Cooney
Suzie Trains Maui