I’d like to introduce to you a dear friend and client and Maui photographer, Simone Reddingius. Simone is a wonderful athlete who is passionate about surfing and cycling. Simone trains with me and we work on upper body conditioning for surfing, and balance training for carving strength. I like to challenge her on the new INDO Board Gigante and recenly she hopped on the super fast Vew Do Board.
She is also a very strong cyclist who has conquered Maui’s prestigious race, Cycle to the Sun. Her best, last race time was to the crater was 4:33:50, second place in her age div. which was 40-49 year-2004
She can also be seen hang’n ten on the nose at our local breaks. Her best surf contest wins were: Malibu 2001, Malibu 2005, Malibu 2006 all Masters division
- Ripp’n at Lane’s
Simone is focused in the gym and it sure shows on the water. Surfing with Simone is a blast but I wouldn’t want to compete against her. She has drive and gets in the zone. I’ve seen her climb the crater and drop in on some good size swells.
