Having a Healthy Body Image  


The media, our families, our friends’ can sometimes bombard us with unhealthy messages that can “shape” our thoughts of how we feel about ourselves when we look in the mirror.  The diet and cosmetic industries assure us that if we have size 2 waists, our lives will be more fulfilling and everything will be wonderful! 


How ridiculous to think that skinnier people are more happy.  This is so off the mark! Would you agree?


We all want to feel and look our best. What you see on the outside in not always true on the inside.  A healthy body is not always linked to how we look. Thank goodness we come in all shapes and sizes, otherwise, it would be so boring. 


Body image can be described as:


       How you see or picture yourself


            How you feel others perceive you


                        What you believe about your body


                                    How you feel inside your body


A person with a positive body image has a real perception of their shape, size and is okay and comfortable with themselves.  Now, a person with a negative body image, this person experiences a distorted view of their body.  They are always comparing themselves to others and feel shame and maybe anxiety. In addition, these feelings can lead to emotional issues, such as extreme obsessive behaviors, low self-esteem, depression, and other eating disorders.


Here are a few tips to learn to love what you see in the mirror and help change your own perception of your body:


  1. Take a deep breath, look in the mirror and smile really big.  Sounds silly, but that’s my point. I want to you loosen up and not be so serious.  Surely you can find something you like about yourself. 
  2. Don’t hide or walk away from mirrors in your home.  Walk by and say, “hey I look good!”  Remind yourself that true beauty is not skin deep.  Walk in confidence and self-acceptance.
  3. Wear what makes you feel good!  Don’t hide behind a dress that’s 4 sizes too big, or surf shorts that are too big. But, wear something that you’ve been complimented in before. I love that feeling, especially if I feel a little on the awkward side that day. 
  4. Exercise because it makes you feel good, not because you just ate huge Big Mac and you feel guilty!  Just don’t’ eat the Big Mac next time.
  5. Be with people, family, or friends that make you feel good just the way you are. Shift away from people who take your energy or who are critical. They are than likely not happy with themselves either.  How draining!


We are who we are.  Genetics, change of life, our natural aging process should be embraced in our society.  I do believe that some parts of the media get it, but surely not enough! 


Call me, and I’ll remind you just how beautiful you are!


Warm aloha,

Suzie Cooney, Suzie Trains Maui









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