The Power of Structure: Your Pro Performance Strategy and Your Brain’s Secret Weapon For Health and Fitness Success
The power of structure is paramount for optimal health and fitness gains and success, and according to the research in neuroscience, is the ONE THING every “body” & “mind” craves…
The ONE THING that my muscles, your muscles, my mind, your mind crave and need to maintain a healthy, strong, fit life.
The ONE THING that is required, mandatory for a sure win for any race, event, or contest.
The ONE THING that is often invisible. But with self-awareness is your directional compass that helps
you point and find your True North.
The ONE THING that is the glue that allows you to push your limits, to max out your strength sets, to achieve your goals and to crush your workouts.
And this ONE THING that seems so hard to attain, so hard to maintain and gets lost in the “busy-ness” of everyday life.
The Power Of Structure: Your Brain’s Secret Weapon For Success

The Neuroscience Is In
In the realm of neuroscience, one groundbreaking discovery stands out as a game-changer for health and fitness enthusiasts. This pivotal element? Structure.
Your journey to peak physical condition doesn’t start in the gym—it begins in the intricate networks of your brain. When you provide your mind with a clear, structured framework, something remarkable happens:
- Your brain aligns its resources
- Your body responds with heightened efficiency
- Your potential for excellence skyrockets
These are just a few of the benefits that you’ll discover when you bring the full awareness and practice of “structure” into your daily life. In addition, your brain and mind flow with ease, resistance when shaping and managing your workout program with your goals and results in mind.
Workouts and Training Without Structure
As an elite personal fitness trainer and coach for over 25 years, also an advanced neuro-transformational coach, which is based in neuroscience, the research is in.
We know a life without structure is complete and utter chaos. The same applies to your health and fitness. Without structure, there is no order, the mind is lost and confused and in a state of constant overwhelm.
Examples of how your training and workouts might go sideways “without” structure:
If you set goals without structure, or a clear path of focus on what “it” is you want to accomplish in your training, without structure, here’s the possible negative consequences:
- Lack of Results/Progress: If your goals are not clear and realistic, OR challenging enough, you may become frustrated and not see or feel the results, which I know, and my clients know this can be very de-motivating.
- Inconsistency: THE MOST IMPORTANT – Consistency is the golden pillar of success. I’ve written numerous articles on this. Without structure, you may more easily surrender to other distractions, causing you to skip workouts. Structure creates and shapes good habitual behaviors therefor ensuring early success.
- Lack of focus/direction: Without the structure of a customized program, you may literally wander around the gym wasting precious workout time. It’s critical to have a plan that is designed to be efficient, FUN, challenging and accomplishes the goal. There is no time or reps to waste.
- Unsafe, unbalanced = potential injury: Proper muscle recruitment, and everything that makes up a successful, balanced, results oriented, safe workout. These things stacked can turn to injury quickly if there is not a structured protocol in place. Risk management reduces over-training or knowing when NOT to push too hard.
- Flat-lining or plateauing: Back to the importance of a structured plan, programming. Without structure you may miss out on muscle growth opportunities/adaptation.
Here’s How and Where I can Help You the Most:
My clients love to just show up, turn on the screen with their water bottle in hand, ready to pump it up. They know I know what to do and how to get it done.
I do all the heavy lifting in the form of providing the structure, constant support within the workout and throughout their entire week, and all throughout their journey with me.
Most importantly, having an elevated commitment and an investment with someone who has your back literally and figuratively can make a world of difference. You are guaranteed a positive outcome.
Remember, I do the heavy lifting and provide the structure for you.
It’s truly a win win !🏆
In conclusion, having a guide, an accountability partner, a structure partner, a personal concierge trainer increases you achieving your goals and success exponentially. As your coach I create, orchestrate, and do the very best I can to lead by example.
Please click this link if you’d like to learn more of my offerings and my professional services, investment costs.
I’m here to help and provide you a clear, powerful path to strength, health, and fitness with all the structure and support you could ever need.
Please share this with someone you may know who could exponentially improve their entire quality of life.
In strength and Aloha,
Remember The Mind Wins First
Suzie Cooney, CPT, CNTC

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Suzie Cooney: https://www.instagram.com/suzie_cooney/
The Mind Wins First: https://www.instagram.com/themindwinsfirst/
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