Video of How to Master Maliko with Dave Kalama
and Suzie Cooney
presented by Adventure Sports Maui and Imagine Surf

This presentation of How to Master Maliko with Dave Kalama and Suzie Cooney took place on the island of Maui April 24th, 2016. It was hosted by Adventure Sports Maui and Imagine Surf where over 75 people attended to learn about how to stand up paddle and navigate the famed downwind stretch of water on Maui’s prestigious North Shore, called the MalikoRun.

You will surely be entertained while Dave and Suzie share their stories and adventures that can also help you step up your downwind paddling.

Dave Kalama and Suzie Cooney In the following video Dave Kalama shares his tips and secrets on how to paddle at your best by technique, careful strategy and he goes even deeper on some of the mental and physical preparation on needs to be successful.

Suzie Cooney reveals her 3 C’s on how to conquer the MalikoRun and offers downwind specific training tips to help all levels of stand up paddlers perform at their best. Suzie’s three C’s when it comes to downwind paddling are expressed as :

    1. You must have confidence
    2. Be cat-like
    3. Have incredible cardioWatch the video to learn more.HERE IS THE ENTIRE VIDEO:

Should you wish to train with Suzie on the island of Maui you can reach her through this website. She also has a high success rate of coaching people via SKYPE. It’s a blast, easy to do and affective.

Dominate DownwindersAlso if you don’t already have the training SUP BIBLE, my book called How to Increase Your Stand Up Paddling Performance, Beginner to Elite, click here to get yours!

New Book Suzie Cooney

Mahalo for tuning in. Please share this video and blog post with your friends.



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