As many women approach their 40’s and 50’s, one can begin to mysteriously gain weight, sometimes due to reasons that are  physically out of our control. Learning more about your body and the response of the body to certain external and internal stress factors can help one cope tremendously.

I have many clients who complain about these physical and psychological changes and then once we put the two together, we can make the necessary changes to help. Like monitoring what you eat, why, when and how much. Are you an emotional eater?

I discovered a very helpful article, that addresses this topic and gives a better understanding as to what emotional issues might lead to this weight gain, as well as the importance of seeking professional guidance to make sure all is in order.

Here’s an excerpt:

“The midlife years can be particularly challenging for women. You face perhaps the most emotionally charged—and quite possibly most frustrating—time of your life in terms of trying to maintain an ideal body weight. Emotional issues that may have been suppressed for years can surface during midlife. Divorce, financial burdens, retirement, empty nesting, a parent’s illness or death, career moves and residential changes often occur, along with unpleasant menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, memory loss, slowed metabolism, mood swings, redistribution of body weight and sexual difficulties. These issues are only made worse by the constant barrage of unhealthy, unrealistically thin images foisted on women by the media. Failure to meet society’s ideal female body image can be another major source of emotional stress.”

Click here to read more.

If I can help you or someone you know who may be dealing with this issue, I’m here to lend a knowledgeable hand. My years of experience in helping many women get through these times is very rewarding. I’ve seen many positive outcomes and sometimes, all it takes it someone you can trust and guide you.  You can do it!

In good health and aloha,

Suzie Cooney, CPT

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Aloha & Welcome to our Suzie Trains Maui & The Mind Wins First Ohana! Mahalo for signing up for our private and secure email list. In strength, Suzie Cooney, CPT, CNTC

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