What Came First: The Egg or Your Trainer?

Aloha, fitness enthusiasts and egg-cellent clients!

In these trying times, when the world seems to be scrambling faster than a short-order cook, it’s crucial to remember that your health and fitness is no yolk. While we can’t control the global egg-conomy or the chicken-scratch policies of our world leaders, we can certainly take charge of our own well-being.

This article uses the egg as a humorous metaphor to crack open new perspectives. Neuroscience research shows that combining visuals with humor can help us see bigger possibilities while keeping things light and playful. Life can feel overly serious at times, but the message is clear: you matter, no matter what life is serving you right now.

egg, trainer

“Is your health teetering on the edge like an egg on a spoon? Time to get a grip on your wellness!” I can. help you get your life back in balance, and help you improve your strength and total well-being.

Ask yourself these questions:

“What costs more: investing in a personal trainer now, or letting your health go rotten like a forgotten egg?”

“Are you egg-noring the signs that it’s time to focus on your health?”

“Is stress leaving you feeling fried? Don’t let your health become a hard-boiled mess!”

“Are you putting all your eggs in one basket, or diversifying your health investments?”

Cracking the Code of Fitness

egg, trainer

You might be wondering, “What came first: the egg or your trainer?” Well, let me tell you, I’ve been around since before chickens learned to cross the road! But jokes aside, here’s why having a personal trainer is more important than ever:

  1. I’m your protein powerhouse: When egg prices are through the coop, I’ll show you alternative ways to bulk up without breaking the bank.
  2. I’ll keep you from walking on eggshells: My workouts build strength and confidence, so you can face life’s challenges head-on.
  3.  And I’m not chicken about pushing you: Unlike that voice in your head saying “I’ll start tomorrow,” I’m here to motivate you today.

Sunny Side Up: The Benefits of Staying Fit

egg fitness

Remember, maintaining your fitness is like having a nest egg for your health.  It’s an investment that will pay dividends when the world goes over easy.  So, let’s get cracking on your fitness goals!

  • Boost your immune system: Because being sick is no fun, especially if you’re cooped up at home.
  • Reduce stress: I’ll help you work out your frustrations, no egg-throwing necessary.
  • Improve mental clarity, so you can separate the good eggs from the bad in your life.

Don’t let your fitness goals become shelved and expired. Unlike those elusive eggs at the supermarket, I’m always in stock and ready to help you whip your health into shape!

In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter what came first. What matters is that you come to your next training session ready to beat your personal best!

Stay fit, stay healthy, and keep your sunny side up!

BONUS: The benefit of hiring a trainer with 26 years of experience, who is also an advanced neuro-transformational coach, I infuse incredible additional, proven tools and methods to help you navigate throughout your training with me, My strategies can also open your thinking to bigger goals with a new sense of brain awareness and capacity.

Your ever reliable, global elite, Maui personal trainer. Zoom sessions available worldwide.

Contact me today for a complimentary 30 minute fun workout Zoom session to get to know me and to see if I can help you get back to fitness, increase your strength or help you find new ways to get and stay motivated. I’m here.

P.S. Unlike eggs, my prices haven’t gone up. So book your next session before inflation catches up with me too!

Suzie Cooney, CPT, CNTC
Certified Personal Trainer, NASM
Advanced Neuro-Transformational Coach, based in Neuorscience

Suzie Trains Maui
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