With the OluKai Ho’olaule’a wrap up complete, I’m a bit late in writing this post, but as I was shaping this follow up article on my friends and SUP racers, Kevin Vangritis from North Carolina and Jenny Ryan from Australia; it occurred to me how true it is that if you want to place you can have it. But, you’ve got to REALLY want it, see it and train for it. ( See my article on What You See Is How You Perform )
Jenny Ryan, my charging friend from down under; trains rigorously back in Australia and just won her age division here at our OluKai SUP Race May 14th,2011. Like Kevin, her training is intense, planned and has an end, and anticipated result.
Congrats to you both for applying what we’ve talked about and just being the fierce, disciplined competitors you are; and all the while being two wonderful humans to know. It’s a pleasure to see you both doing doing so well and inspiring us all.

Jenny Ryan photo courtesy of OluKai Premium Foowear
First up Jenny: I really enjoyed training with her and watching how she get’s into her “real” zone. Man can she paddle in a mighty way. I asked Jenny to write a follow up for us, so you can enjoy through Jenny, what it feels like to train, prepare and then win! She confesses that she actually just came to have a few good “runners” as she calls them, but she paddles to win!
Jenny writes: “After arriving on Maui and getting a few Maliko training runs under my belt race day had arrived! I jumped on Kelly’s Maliko shuttle – filled with fellow pumped and excited competitors! The closer we were getting to the Gulch, the stronger the winds were getting! This only meant one thing, the race would be fast! When we all got to the Gulch and registered it was starting to hit me. I was back and I was about to race again! I kept seeing faces from last year’s Naish race, with fellow paddlers Andrea Moller, Devon Blish, and T surprised to see me! It was great knowing that some of the top Maui paddlers were stoked to see me back!
After the Pule (prayer ceremony) we all started to enter the gulch and get ready for the start of the race and before I knew it the race started!
The first 3/4 of the race was amazing! Dodging turtles, flying fish, and catching some of great runners! Everything was going great till I noticed something the runs

Jenny Ryan photo courtesy of OluKai Premium Footwear
were getting further and further apart. The wind was dropping which meant the last 1/4 of the race was all paddle power! I started paddling hard and was getting closer to Kanaha. Before I knew it I could see the yellow OluKai buoys and it was time for the 300 yard dash! I jumped off my board and started sprinting to the finish behind 2 other competitors. I finished the race in a time of 1:08:17 which placed my 1st in the 30-39, wahine 14ft class and 2nd place 14ft class overall! I was stoked!! It was my best result in an international race!
The vibe after the race was amazing. Everyone was congratulating one another, new friendships were made. The lunch provided was great and so well earned after an hour of solid paddling! The OluKai race brought everyone together. It was great to witness a Luau in a non commercial environment – something I personally have always wanted to see!
This trip back to Maui was better than I could have imagined!
I have to thank so many people – as they were my support! A huge thanks to my mum – she is my biggest support, my friends – love them lots and ALWAYS supportive, Iron Phil – my trainer, ALL the Maui crew – especially Suzie Cooney, Kelly Moore, and my sponsors Laguna Bay Stand Up Paddle, and Secret Agent Sup.”
Kevin Vangritis, I want you to know, trains like an animal. With his grueling 24/7 on call schedule guiding orthopedic surgeons in cutting edge technology in surgical instrumention, he still can be seen in any type of weather conditions putting in his board time. If the weather conditions are a serious health hazard, Kevin will invent new time zones to hold his dedicated course in intense training.
Like many, he has the bug. His first exciting win was the Cold Stroke Classic. ( read more here ) Recently, he took a real strong

Kevin leading the pack!
lead in 1st place and was up against a talented pack in the very popular Carolina Cup. He finished an impressive 3rd place in the men’s open 6 mile class. Nice job Kevin!
Kevin took a moment from his hectic schedule to write about his training style and his commitment to himself and to the sport:
“In life, I have excelled in many different areas. My desire to excel in standup paddling is no different. Many of my friends and coworkers have seen my achievements both on and off of the water. Often commenting “You are the luckiest thing I have every seen.” However, it has nothing to do with luck. It has to do with a strong drive, determination, and commitment to excel. I have held the same job for 20 years and have won every top honor within my company at least once. What many people don’t realize is all of the hard work and planning I put into my achievements. Being in the medical device industry, as Suzie knows from her former life working in medical sales, you are married to your job. I am on call 355 days a year and the only time I am not on call is when I am out of town or on vacation. For this reason, everything I do outside of work has to be well planned with a contingency plan in place just in case things don’t quite work out. My schedule changes so often with just a moments notice. This really affects how I plan everything I do in life including my leisure time on the water, my training routine, and even my race schedule.
I begin each day with a workout. I think it is really important to find the time of day that works best in your daily routine to get your workout in and make a commitment to get it done. For me, I prefer to get my workouts done early in the morning for several reasons. In the morning, I feel fresh and ready to get my day going. When I am done working out, I feel great and ready to take on the day. It’s personally satisfying to know I have taken time for myself and my health. Additionally, there are noworries about procrastinating later in the day. If I were to wait until I got home from work, I am much more likely to have many distractions that could keep me from getting a really great workout in or none at all. I may be either too tired, too hungry, still have work to knockout, have to make dinner, complete household chores, run errands or just want to spend quality time with my wife. The excuses are endless.
My workouts average an hour or so. On days when I am really pressed for time, I do one of two things. I either try and do a fast paced workout where I super set several exercises and focus on just two muscle groups, or I do a quick workout in the morning and then try to do another quick one when I get home in the evening. My workouts include 30-45 minutes on the treadmill to get a little cardio and a core workout using either the BOSU Ball and/or a balance ball. Then I target two to three muscle groups using free weights. On days when I have a little more time, I simply add a few more exercises to target additional muscle groups.
In addition to my daily workouts, I try to get on the water every chance I can. My time on the water is spent practicing and crafting my technique, doing distance paddling for endurance or just going out for a fun paddle with my wife to enjoy nature or relieve a little stress. I believe if you want to excel in life, you have to put forth a greater effort than what you actually want your reward to be. Or, you could be just plain lucky as many people think I am. I truly have SUP fever and am happy to say there currently is no known cure.”
Kevin, thank you! This is very inspiring and very helpful. You’re awesome and so is your lovely, Jenney. See you soon my friend.
Training Tip: Next time you step on that board and before your blade enters it’s first catch, visualize yourself as a strong, fierce competitor. You must feel it and see it before you make that first reach. Winning isn’t everything, but it sure feels good and gives one a sense of terrific accomplishment. You just may surprise yourself. Set your goals and hold your course.
Keep an eye out on the leader boards for both Jenny and Kevin. ( no pressure!! ) See you on the water!
Aloha, Suzie Cooney https://www.standuppaddlingfitness.com

Jenny & Suzie photo courtesy of OluKai Premium Footwear