by Suzie Cooney | Oct 31, 2009 | Articles
Surfing to Stay Fit, Lose Weight and What Beginners Should Know. Also, Which Muscle Groups are Affected and How to Stay Safe on the Waves Suzie Cooney, CPT Suzie Trains Maui Surfing is amazing sport that requires endurance, upper and lower body strength and also good...
by Suzie Cooney | Oct 31, 2009 | Articles, Events:Windsurf SUP Surf Kite Paddleboard Motocross & More, Quick Fitness Tips
Check out this new, fun video produced on Maui by Tommy Callan of Beach Boy Events and Suzie Cooney, of Suzie Trains Maui. Enjoy this simple production of stand up paddling or SUP and also learn a few exercises to keep you in shape and stay strong.Stand up paddling...
by Suzie Cooney | Oct 18, 2009 | Articles, Events:Windsurf SUP Surf Kite Paddleboard Motocross & More, Saturday FREE SUP Clinics
What a day we had yesterday! You guys were so wonderful! Thank you so much for showing up with big smiles, big hearts and a willingness to get sandy and wet and conquer the day. I’m still playing in my mind some looks of fright, maybe a little concern, but those...
by Suzie Cooney | Sep 30, 2009 | Articles, Sports Medicine
Charles “Cas” Soma, MD. is a Maui waterman and serves our community as an excellent sports medicine specialist and orthopedic surgeon. He knows first hand how the sport of SUP or stand up paddling can challenge the body. I enjoy referring my clients to...
by Suzie Cooney | Sep 17, 2009 | Articles
Aloha Friends!If you’ve always wanted to have a private personal trainer, this may be for you! I’ve been experimenting with a few clients and I’ve decided to offer something new and fun for those on a tight time schedule and budget.Express Workout – Suzie Trains...
by Suzie Cooney | Sep 9, 2009 | Articles, Nutrition
Aloha,The Today Show recently aired this segment and I have worked with this before with my clients. It’s quite and eye opener and reveals some of the truths of our eating behaviors and how certain social groups/friends and family in our life can influence how...