Balance Training Burns More Calories and Makes You Stronger for Stand Up Paddling and Surfing!

Soft Sand Running Tips and Advice

Suzie with client JohnSoft sand running is harder than it sounds and I use it as a great cross training tool for my clients.  Not only will it smooth and tone your legs and  your bottom, it’s wonderful for the ankles and really challenges the finer muscles of...

Changing Your Eating Behaviors

Changing and Reshaping Your Eating Behaviors by Suzie Cooney Suzie Trains Maui  Follow these tips to help uncover and correct those “bad” eating habits and why we eat: Don’t eat while engaged in other activities; for example watching TV, reading. Eat...

Why Your Bones Creak and Crack

Why our bones make noise! You will be surprised! If you’ve ever experienced your elbow or knee “creaking” or making a slight “popping” noise, don’t panic just yet. There is a protective fluid that cushions most of the joints...