A Cool Total Body Windsurf Training Video
A Cool Total Body Windsurf Training Video This total body windsurf training video offers everything from strength, balance, core and endurance; all in one simple exercise. This exercise is for all levels of windsurfers. All you need is the Indo Board Gigante Flo...
Fitness Tips for Wavesailing and Windsurfing
This article was written by Suzie Cooney of Suzie Trains Maui for the NSW Wavesailing Association and covers everything from common windsurfing injuries and a few exercise tips on how to strengthen your body to avoid them.

How to Improve Leg Strength, Endurance and Balance for Stand Up Paddling
How to Improve Leg Strength, Endurance and Balance for Stand Up Paddling By Suzie Cooney, CPT for Naish SUP Team As a Naish SUP team rider, I offer help to the team and to Naish fans and everyone else addicted and stoked on stand up paddling so you can shred and...Hop Aboard The Indo Board Balance Trainer My Favorite Training Gear FREE SHIPPING
I truly believe that the Indo Board Balance Trainer has not only helped me after I broke BOTH legs and ankles it’s help hundreds of my friends and clients! You don’t need to be a surfer to catch a ride on this gear designed for all levels of fitness. Get yours or buy for a loved one and check out all my articles. This is TOTAL body training. Happy Holidays, Suzie Cooney

Balance and Strength Training Pays Off for Maui Windsurfer
After my sailing sessions yesterday and today, I simply felt compelled to write this endorsement about Suzie’s training methods, that I have been blessed with for almost 5 years. I am the luckiest windsurfer on the planet