by Suzie Cooney | Mar 9, 2011 | Articles, Nutrition
You wonder how top professional athletes eat to win? Practice, like anything! It takes practice and discipline to choose the right training program, know how to recover, what gear to select, but what to eat? People often ask me, what should I eat? Discover the...
by Suzie Cooney | Jan 19, 2011 | Articles, Nutrition
Thanks to Jon and thanks so much for sharing your great, healthy eating tips with my audience! You’re a great trainer AND a great cook! Spicy and will knock your socks off AND keep your waistline trim. To see more of Jon’s videos, go to: Fitness on the...
by Suzie Cooney | Nov 22, 2010 | Articles, Nutrition
Although the Thanksgiving Holiday is a time of family and friends, giving thanks and maybe a football game or two, it’s also a time, for some, a food free for all that can quickly add unwanted inches to your waistline. But, if you have a game plan you can enjoy the...
by Suzie Cooney | Jun 22, 2010 | Articles, Nutrition, Quick Fitness Tips
Why Diets Fail and Tips on What You Can Do To Be A Success Suzie Cooney, CPT Are you a chronic dieter? How many fad diets have you tried? Diets statistically just don’t work. The pounds come off you put them on again, and so the yo-yo cycle continues. When we set...
by Suzie Cooney | Feb 8, 2010 | Articles, Nutrition
How Fiber Helps You Lose Weight Suzie Cooney, CPT (Papaya, kale, brown rice and Swiss chard and apple) We are fortunate to enjoy the plentiful great fruits and vegetables Maui offers. I often tell my clients to lose weight eat as much fiber as you can safely...
by Suzie Cooney | Sep 9, 2009 | Articles, Nutrition
Aloha,The Today Show recently aired this segment and I have worked with this before with my clients. It’s quite and eye opener and reveals some of the truths of our eating behaviors and how certain social groups/friends and family in our life can influence how...