Want To Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster? Keep on Your Fitness Track With an Exercise Log
Want To Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster? Keep on Your Fitness Track with an Exercise Log By Suzie Cooney, CPT Suzie Trains Maui Keeping an exercise log can help you stay on track with your fitness and diet goals. I know making progress toward your health,...Balance Training Makes a Difference for Two Maui Windsurfers
Balance Training Makes a Difference for Two Maui Windsurfers Whether you’re carving off the lip or throwing a forward loop, we’ve all had those days where crazy landings or a gust or lack of wind can really throw you off balance and into the water. My two...Frequent Exercise Oversights and Obstacles
Frequent Exercise Oversights and Obstacles: Suzie Cooney, CPT Suzie Trains Maui 1. Forgetting to Cool Down After Your Workout Before you head to the locker room or hop in your car after your last set, remember your body needs to get to a semi normal state and cool...Why Diets Fail and Tips on What You Can Do To Be A Success
Why Diets Fail and Tips on What You Can Do To Be A Success Suzie Cooney, CPT Are you a chronic dieter? How many fad diets have you tried? Diets statistically just don’t work. The pounds come off you put them on again, and so the yo-yo cycle continues. When we set...Interval vs Long Steady Cardio Training Makes for Efficient Training
Treadmill, spin bike, treadmill, spin bike; alternating between each song from my IShuffle. Guns n Roses, welcome to the Jungle, does it for me! By the time I’m reaching 20 minutes into my cardio, I try to not sit on the bike AT ALL times until I’m my 30 minutes is up.