If you’re feeling bored and tired of the same fitness routine and want to pump up your workout, let’s take it outside.  We live on Maui! Even if you live on the mainland, get away from the florescent lights and enjoy the sunshine. Or when the snow falls, grab some snow shoes! I’m always encouraging people to change it up so your body keeps changing for you.

Joel EdwardsHere is my client Joel Edwards riding in the Iao Valley.  He loves to ride his road bike, cross the island channels in his one man canoe or with a team of 6,  kite board, stand up paddle,;taking advantage of the great outdoors here on Maui! His cardio is strong and when he’s in my studio, we train his core, strength and balance training. Joel is often a 3 sport a day kind of person! Go Joel!

Here are a few tips to working out outside, whether it is in the park, or at the beach.

Make sure that you are extra hydrated. Although Maui isn’t as humid as other parts of the country, it’s a good idea to drink a little more water prior, during and after your workout.  Wear sunscreen and even a light colored hat. Protecting your scalp from burning is important.  Hats can also keep you cooler. Maybe head out earlier or later in the day say before 10am or say past 4 o’clock so you don’t overheat too fast vs. in the heat of the day. Grab a rash guard if you want extra sun protection.

Also, if you are thinking of walking or running on the beach, and you haven’t done so in a while, it may be a good idea to perform a little more active stretching with emphasis on the calve and hamstring muscles. Start out slow, keep your body upright and avoid leaning too far forward.  Watch your stride and keep your pace steady.

If you kick off your slippers to enjoy the nice soft sand, remember to scan where you walk or run at least a few steps ahead. Sometimes there hidden chunks of coral that can take you down so fast you won’t know what happened.  Watch out for twigs, sharp pieces of glass or here on Maui, sharp kiawe branches.

Besides walking or running, some of our beaches have picnic tables and benches. These are great to do single leg squats, tricep dips on or pushups!  What I love to do, is deep sand lunges up in the dunes at Baldwin Beach.  I also carry some tubing to wrap around the trees to perform back rows and tricep presses and core exercises.

Besides walking, riding your bike or running, you can paddle your canoe, hike in the crater, surf , or your SUP ( stand up paddle board).   Tennis is a great total body workout. Did you also know that swimming  1 mile is equivalent to running four?

Remember, if you’re reentering fitness, take it slow and you may want to check with your physician if you have any specific injuries or are rehabilitating from surgery.  Always be sure to warm up with some active stretching, eat at least an hour before you workout and maybe keep some extra energy good to keep you going.

For more tips or if you want to get into the shape of your life, call me at 808-283-2121 or email me: https://suzietrainsmaui.com/contact/

You CAN be healthy and fit!  Thanks Joel for inspiring me and so many others!

Suzie Cooney, CPT  Suzie Trains Maui

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