reduce stress

Covid19 will not get the best of us. Watch my video to see how I reduce my stress with this simple beach workout you can perform just about anywhere you live.

Here’s What You Can Do To Reduce Stress,
Read Below and Watch My Video to Feel Good Again

One thing that seems to be on the top of everyone’s mind is how to reduce stress and have some sort of consistent balance in our lives so we can feel good. I know for me I’ve been a bit off myself and every single day does not go as planned as I too am being affected by the ripple effects of this pandemic. My motivation level has been up and down and all around, but I do keep going. Fortunately, on Maui we are not managing high numbers, but they are rising, and our unemployment rate is the highest in the country and my friends, clients and others are pretty stressed out, myself included.

What I learned and discovered through interviews and heart felt, revealing conversations with close friends and clients is that a lot of people are feeling much more stress, less adventurous and they are seeking more time to try and have some daily balance. Many are really missing their normal routines and definitely missing their friends and loved ones on the mainland or in other states. They are worried about money, don’t feel as physically strong; really not feeling as passionate about much, and kind of feeling flat. I completely understand and can relate.

Through these conversations and as a coach and trainer for so many years, I’ve come to the conclusion that we all desire the same things and have the same needs in times of crisis.  Below were the most common things that were noted from my conversations and what people said they wished they had more of: less stress, time, more balance, money, more adventure, less anxiety and more passion.

redue stress

Looking at the image above, can you relate to a few of these?   Maybe you experience a blend of all of these things at different times.  Are you experiencing higher levels of anxiety? Perhaps you aren’t keeping on your regular training schedule or skipping out on your walks?  It’s truly all connected. If we feel we lack in some areas of our life, then everything else gets disheveled as well. It’s almost like a domino effect. I understand completely and please know you are not alone.

There’s no quick fix for this world mess that is for sure.  But perhaps if you could be more consistent with one or maybe a couple things in your life that would possibly soften the edges so your stress levels were lower, you could sleep better at night and clear the negative thoughts out so you could feel better overall. Could you try? I bet you could.

I want to share with you just one example of what I do to help reduce stress levels and anxiety in my life. It also helps me deal with all of the unknown and to simply put, keep my #$@% together and not get too depressed by watching the news; I go outside.  But when I go outside, I have a plan or a goal. Yes, it’s the trainer in me but it’s also the path to help me feel good again in my brain and my body. It works!

Here is a video from a simple interval workout I did at the beach. I made my goal simple and I knew inside that if I just put one foot in front of the other, put on my music, kept my breath at a steady pace, all the feel-good hormones would rush in. The wind was cool, and low and behold a beautiful rainbow appeared as if it was a sign to, “just go Suzie, and go hard.”

I looked at the field of fresh sand in front of me and envisioned my tracks that I would make as I traversed up and down the sand dunes. It was like looking at a mountain top you wanted to snowboard or ski down and be that person to lay down the first tracks!  Watch the video and go with me:

Simple Steps To Reduce Stress and Feel Good Again:

There is no one solution in reducing stress so that you can feel good again. For me I exercise it’s what I’ve always done. Getting my heart rate up even just a little clears my head and opens my lungs and gives me a fresh perspective on the challenges I have to face. It gives me “my time” to tune out what may be troubling me and redirect my thoughts of lack of to a great opportunity to receive all the things I need fill my deisres. If you think it comes easy to me, you’re right I’m just wired this way however I do struggle with many other things like anxiety, the unknown and thoughts about the future. 

I hope that a few of these tips and suggestions may be of help to you or please share with someone you may know who could use a little lift:

I applaud you if you’ve made it this far in the article. That is a great first step. I hope you have come to your own conclusion that there might be ways in which you can reduce your stress and improve the overall quality of your life and health. Because if you can find these little paths or opportunities to feel good inside, you’ll start to notice that worries, anxiety and other things that you wish you had will find their way to you.

You have a choice the old way of not providing yourself with enough physical or mental stimulation or the new way, opening yourself back up again to feel good inside by making the decision to do so and making yourself a priority.

Sometimes all you need is a little extra confidence and support to help get you back on your path. If you feel like you’re a little stuck and need a lift to feel good inside and reduce stress so that you can navigate with more mental ease and physical strength, contact me to discover how I can help you.

I so appreciate you for reading my article and I hope that it gave you the inspiration and motivation to carry you through. Please share this or leave a comment below and let us all know how you’re managing stress and coping this year.

All levels welcome.



Aloha and Mahalo,

Suzie Cooney

Suzie Trains Maui,LLC


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Here are a couple of links that might interest you:

What to Expect: Workouts

Stay Home Stay Healthy Virtual Training with Suzie Cooney and IndoBoard





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