Stay Home Stay Healthy Virtual Training Video with Suzie Cooney and IndoBoard

Stay home stay healthy is our new normal, and virtual training to stay fit is exploding.   Staying home means staying fit and healthy. Here’s how my clients are training with me and having a blast. You can too. Get the gear in this video The Gigante Cushion 24″ and the PRO KICKTAIL. You’ll see a variety of exercises being performed here that includes leg strength, the core and advanced balance combined strength training.

Everybody’s doing it. I’ve been virtual training for over 11 years via SKYPE Send me a note through my contact link me learn more. Mahalos to my awesome clients Tony, Philip, Sharon and Abigail!

By keeping strong from the inside out, you can help not only maintain your weight, build new muscle but keep yourself mentally sane. I can customize your workout in every and any way. Everyday I’m so thankful when my computer screen shows my client’s face and then I am reassured by their smile and contagious enthusiasm that I’ve made the right career choice 20 years ago!

I specialize in functional training, motivation, brain training, balance training, advanced core training, building muscle, losing weight and so much more. All levels of fitness are welcome and each workout is customized to meet your needs and goals.

Remember also that stress levels are very high and when you know that I’m just a click away, I can help you melt that away. You need your hour of power and that’s what I specialize in. No big groups, just YOU.

Thank you for stopping by my website. Contact me direct to learn more about how I can help you during this difficult time. We need each other. Help me help you. Like Jerry McGuire.

In case you missed it, here’s my link for your home Indo Board gym:

In strength and health,

Suzie Cooney

Suzie Trains Maui

Another helpful article that is very popular:

Staying Home? Tips To Keep Yourself Mentally and Physically Healthy and Fit




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Suzie Cooney The Mind Wins First

Aloha & Welcome to our Suzie Trains Maui & The Mind Wins First Ohana! Mahalo for signing up for our private and secure email list. In strength, Suzie Cooney, CPT, CNTC

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