High Level Physical and Mental Success with Suzie Cooney

Definition of Success: the accomplishment of an aim or purpose 

Setting yourself up success is critical for all aspects of your life. Ever notice that the stronger you are physically and mentally everything in your life is easier? People naturally will gravitate towards you too it’s human nature.  I’ve observed that if you want to win an event or need an important “yes” to a project you’ve pitched, you’re more likely going to get what you want when you’re feeling and looking fit.  It’s true.

Many professional athletes, serious weekend warriors and those who have made a healthy commitment to themselves understand this well. People like to be around their strength, they exude confidence, they stand taller, life in general seems to flow more easily and they are often in the life zone. They’re winners in sport and in life and THE example of people many strive to be. You’ll notice that friends or athletes that seem to do well in all areas of their life don’t just wake up and this is so.

Not everyone can afford a full team of massage therapists, personal chefs, physical therapists and a trainer, board caddies, but if you could have one person that could perhaps hold you accountable, keep you on track, hold you to a higher standard and help you achieve great body and mind strength, wouldn’t that be worth the investment?

Yes, I said investment. There is high value when you invest in something that means a lot to you. You’re also more likely to show up, do the work and enjoy the rewards of your effort and hard-earned money.  Low value is when you’re only paying $10 a month at some purple gym where they feed you pizza on Tuesdays and bagels on Friday (for real on Maui); you’re more likely going to skip out. 

How might I do this? With years of practice, expanding my experiences and by quickly and instinctively observing a person’s strengths and weaknesses in a very short period of time. It is an art, but I’ve also learned to ask the right questions, quickly build sincere trust and by having the compassion and empathy to put myself in someone else’s shoes or in my profession their minds and bodies.

My athletes and clients know I’ll show up and I will hold them accountable. We are a team. There is a mutual expectation and the bar is held high. I don’t let them down and they don’t like to let me down. There are consequences and there are rewards.

Suzie Cooney #themindwinsfirst

 As a professional trainer for over 18 years one thing I hear often is that many people simply lack motivation. But do they really? Maybe they have it but need a little help tapping into it or finding the right path to bring out their very best.

Definition of Motivation: the general desire or willingness of someone to do something

I’m able to quickly create a high level of trust and comfort for all of those who make their investment in me. I’ve had the pleasure of delving into the lives of many wonderful people and have witnessed before my eyes, incredible personal and professional life transformations all because I believed in them and helped them create, select the correct,  most fun, highly effective and the most rewarding methods and training to get there. Bottom line, I set them up for success, not failure.

If you feel you’d like to experience what it’s like being strong in every aspect of your life, not just the podium, or if you know someone who could really benefit my professional training, please make that contact today through my website. You don’t have to be on Maui, checkout the link below on virtual training. I’ve trained people over 10 years via SKYPE. It’s easy and fun.

In strength and Aloha,
Suzie Cooney


Suzie Trains Maui, LLC





Virtual SUP Training and Coaching Maui to Menorca with Suzie Cooney

Why you need Suzie

SUP Performance Book by Suzie Cooney


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Aloha & Welcome to our Suzie Trains Maui & The Mind Wins First Ohana! Mahalo for signing up for our private and secure email list. In strength, Suzie Cooney, CPT, CNTC

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