The Health Benefits of Stand Up Paddling Radio Segment with Suzie Cooney
As a health and fitness specialist specializing in SUP performance and a sponsored SUP professional, I encourage all my clients to get on the water and enjoy all the benefits of stand up paddling. I’ve written many articles on the topic, from how people are shedding weight, managing depression and believe or not, improving their marriages!

Balance and Strength Training Pays Off for Maui Windsurfer
After my sailing sessions yesterday and today, I simply felt compelled to write this endorsement about Suzie’s training methods, that I have been blessed with for almost 5 years. I am the luckiest windsurfer on the planet

How to Manage Shin Splints Radio Show with Suzie Cooney
Tune in and listen to my Health & Fitness Segments. This month June 2012: Shin Splints; how they are caused how to treat. Also remove obstacles that keep you from exercising, hydrating foods and more. Check it out!

PocketFuel is My Rocket Fuel for Optimum Sports Performance
by Suzie Cooney, CPT I’d like to introduce to you what I use for a turbo session on the water and for the long endurance paddling runs down Maliko Gulch. I squeeze my PocketFuel into my mouth and get ready to feel the energy I need to perform and play. Smart...Weight Loss Success Story: Dano Sayles of Maui Hawaii Lean Strong and Healthy
Aloha! My client Dano Sayles of Maui Hawaii is 40 pounds lighter and feeling fit. I’m so thrilled to share this story of weight loss success. He is proof that 54 is the new 44. Inspired by the movie Fat Sick & Nearly Dead, read more about his story and see his photos. Suzie Cooney.