by Suzie Cooney | Jun 3, 2016 | Book News and Updates, Inspiration, Mental Health, SUP Enthusiasts, SUP Friends & Clients, SUP Inspiration, Wellness
Below is the original email that caused me to gasp for air and grab my heart. I had to catch my tears before they hit my laptop. At that moment, I had the biggest validation I could ever ask for.
by Suzie Cooney | Mar 4, 2015 | Articles, SUP Enthusiasts, SUP Inspiration, Wellness
Virtual SKYPE Fitness Training with Suzie Cooney Virtual SKYPE Fitness Training with Suzie Cooney is a blast and effective. Virtual fitness training and personal training is now mainstream and you too can train with Suzie Cooney of Suzie Trains Maui. No sand, salt...
by Suzie Cooney | Jan 16, 2015 | Articles, Blog, Inspiration, Mental Health, SUP Inspiration, Wellness
I often see some of my clients going into “the zone” and it’s an incredible event to witness. particular athletes, “where did you just go?” Often it is a conscious effort as Kody Kerbox, pro Maui SUP paddler and surfer recently shared with me.
by Suzie Cooney | Nov 4, 2014 | Inspiration, Quick Fitness Tips, Wellness
I like to pushups and will do them also do a few on the beach before I enter the water to help pump me up as a pre-surf or paddlesurf warm up. I feel super strong even with just 3.
by Suzie Cooney | Sep 5, 2014 | Inspiration, Quick Fitness Tips, Wellness
Walking was my friend and it was all I could do to even try. When I could complete 1 mile I was over the moon happy. Then over time, slowly but steady I rebuilt my strength. Then a freak accident occurred in 2009 where I broke my legs
by Suzie Cooney | Jun 3, 2014 | Articles, Ciguatera, Health, Inspiration, Media & Press, Wellness
Thank you to Women’s Health Magazine for sharing and writing about my story. This has been a debilitating disease for three years now. How I miss eating fish, but now I cannot. Exercise of any kind, being in the sun, training hard; all causes intense pain,but life must go on. Suzie Cooney