As you can see from some of my posts, I think using the Indo Board in my training sessions with people is really fun, challenging and raises a person’s confidence on and off the water. You don’t have to surf to enjoy the benefits of this great training tool.  For years, I’ve put clients on the Indo Board post op bilateral hip and knee replacements, and those reentering fitness; to help improve their reaction skills and of course balance skills too. It’s also great for toning your legs.

It’s so fun to see their big smiles and looks of focus and determination. I often will time people to the point of fatigue or failure. Then we hop on again for more endurance drills.  Putting a couple of dumbbells in your hands or kettle bells definitely add to the burn and fatigue AND challenge. I’m using a 10lb kettle bell in these photos.

You can easily modify in many different ways, the ways in which you progress yourself to more advanced moves.  Always take caution as to the type of surface you perform on. For beginners, I’ll throw a yoga mat underneath the drum to slow it down a bit. Or, simply put the board on a disc for my more elderly clients, and then have them hold onto me or a very stable object. 

It really makes a difference when you carve and as you push the rails or even on a windsurfer, or stand up paddle board. I can notice a huge transfer of control in strong or light winds and strength when I jibe into a turn, and when stand up paddling while trying to catch waves. I love it!

For fun, here’s Indo Boards September 2009  Newsletter to read more.  Thanks Indo Board, that was fun! Suzie  

My custom bathing suit by, Julie Stone of Posh Pua    

Come train with me and let’s ride!Follow Suzie on Face Book:

Suzie Trains Maui
Call me to ride the Indo Board


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