by Suzie Cooney | Sep 15, 2013 | Articles, Indo Board Balance Trainer Workouts, Quick Fitness Tips, Windsurf Training Tips
This article was written by Suzie Cooney of Suzie Trains Maui for the NSW Wavesailing Association and covers everything from common windsurfing injuries and a few exercise tips on how to strengthen your body to avoid them.
by Suzie Cooney | Mar 11, 2013 | Inspiration, Nutrition, Quick Fitness Tips
Pretend you are flying at 10,000 feet above your life now, then zoom up to 20,000 and envision what you see yourself doing after you’ve shed the weight. What does that new life look like to you?
by Suzie Cooney | Mar 4, 2013 | Abs/CORE, Articles, Exercises, Quick Fitness Tips, Surf Training Tips
CORE STABILITY EXERCISES FOR SURFERS USING A FOAM ROLLER: These photos of me were taken by Simone Reddingius from page 53 ( all rights reserved )from the book Surf Survival The Surfer’s Health Handbook. Here we’re showing you how you can improve core stability for...
by Suzie Cooney | Jan 30, 2013 | Articles, Nutrition, Quick Fitness Tips
I’m the first to admit I keep nutrition as simple as possible and the food eat has to give me energy. The power of the pumpkin seed is packed with protein, quality Omegas and more. Spice it up with a splash of tamari seasoning and use as salad topping or healthy snack. Enjoy!
by Suzie Cooney | Dec 12, 2012 | Articles, Blog, Product Reviews, Quick Fitness Tips, Radio Shows Health & Fitness Maui Breakfast Club
Aloha, listen here to my health and fitness segment on my favorite gifts for you or your loved one. I love to keep it simple and fun. If you a just a
by Suzie Cooney | Nov 20, 2012 | Nutrition, Quick Fitness Tips, Radio Shows Health & Fitness Maui Breakfast Club
Tune in and listen to my quick tips on how to NOT let your waistline expand as you sit down for our holiday meal. No elastic pants or skirts at the table please..This is a fun radio show that you enjoy and share with friends and family. Get out and surf or SUP, walk or run before you consume. Give a hug, it has no calories to receive and it feels great. Suzie