Shoulder Health and Strength Made Simple for Everyone
I love this exercise because it’s just so simple and the benefits are huge. I hope you like and please keep those shoulders strong! Suzie Cooney
I love this exercise because it’s just so simple and the benefits are huge. I hope you like and please keep those shoulders strong! Suzie Cooney
Words cannot express the feeling one has when a baby whales comes to you and then turns on it’s side to look up and smile… this happened in the waters of Maui yesterday and I simply cannot get over the gratitude I have for these amazing beings. Watch the video
Making your health and fitness a priority can be difficult as our days and lives are so busy. I applaud anyone who can show up and make it happen and I can certainly help you do so. Learn how easy it is and watch my video. I’m here for you.
Get to me here in the New Year. You don’t have to be a pro to train with me and I can definitely help guide you to ultimate health and fitness.
Personally, I’ve felt the heaviness of depression dealing with multiple injuries, chronic illness and multiple surgery recoveries, in addition to the normal part of life’s heart wrenching personal hardships and losses. There have been many times throughout my life where everything stopped, the grieving never ended, and I lost the motivation