Suzie Trains Maui Blog
The Power of Structure: Your Brain’s Secret Weapon for Health and Fitness
Every single one of my pro athletes, fully committed transformed current and former clients know the value of “structure” as the glue that keeps the body and mind in forward motion for success. Discover more about how the science is in on how the brain rewards you will excellence.
Before You Set Your 2025 New Year Goals, Flip These Fails to Wins, Focus on This One Thing
I dare you to ditch the resolution and embrace a simple focus. Do something different, be someone different. My two strategies are designed to support you all throughout the year. Bring it 2025!
The No. 1 Action for Guaranteed Fitness Success
In my personal and professional opinion, this so-called Golden Pillar surpasses any other theory I have read, tested, and seen in my practice; this is proven repeatedly
Talk to the Hand Because Surf is Up
And then, seconds, just before dropping down that epic wave or as your ski tips or snowboard are on the edge of that massive crevasse of the fresh mountain of powder, you hesitate for that nanosecond and then say to yourself, “$#@? …I’m going!”
Suzie Cooney Wall Street Journal Six Exercises Better Balance for Everyone
Suzie Cooney Wall Street Journal Six Exercises Better Balance for Everyone I'm thrilled and honored to have been recently featured in the weekend edition The Anatomy of a Workout column by Jen Murphy, of the Wall Street Journal, titled "Six Exercises for Better...
You Are Not Alone, How to Beat the Fall-Back Blues Daylights Savings
5 Tips to beat daylights savings, a very difficult time for many. It means less daylight to be outside and stay fit. There are less sunny days as the weather changes and that can lead to many symptoms caused by SAD Sadness Affect Disorder, such as depression, lack of motivation. It is real and can negatively impact your health and total well-being.Discover my tips on how to main your fitness and keep your mental health in check. Suzie Cooney
Functional Core Strength Training: Shoulders and Legs
Functional Core Strength Training: Shoulders and Legs Functional core strength training is one of my specialties I offer all my athletes and clients this complete way to fire up the nervous system and recruit large and small muscle groups all at once. In this article...
Prehab 6 Exercises for a Stiff Low Back
For some the word “stretch” is a four letter word and avoided with every excuse. The SMR roller is called affectionately the “misery stick”.
How Neuroscience Coaching Helped Waterwoman, Dagmar De Zwart Conquer Fear of Water
How Neuroscience Coaching Helped Waterwoman, Dagmar De Zwart Conquer Fear of Water Dagmar De Zwart, MAUI, Hawaii Neuroscience Coaching helped Dagmar De Zwart, Haiku, MAUI: "Little did I know that this time the rough conditions out there, the fear of those steep waves...
Two Awesome Workout Tweaks To Up Your Heart Rate
Two Awesome Workout Tweaks To Up Your Heart Rate Aloha here are two awesome workout tweaks to help you increase your cardio and endurance training, burn more fat, and make your workouts way more exciting and fun! VIDEO BELOW TRY THESE NOW! Try these 2 workout tweaks...
How Neuroscience Coaching Can Change Your Game
Your body knows what to do. But is your brain in balance and fully integrated to access high level functioning?
10th Year Global Challenge Paddle IMUA 2021
10th Year Global Challenge Paddle IMUA 2021 Mark your calendars for the 10th Year Global Challenge Paddle IMUA 2021 July 16-18th. Together with IMUA Family Services, lets spread Aloha around the world and paddle for Maui's best cause, children and families in special...
THE Most Important Component to Your Training Success
It’s not motivation that drives of, learn what is THE most important component to your training and life success.
Discover Your Brain’s Sweet Spot and Hit Your Maximum Performance
Your secret weapon in Sport & Life is Neuroscience. Learn how to hit your brain’s sweet spot and increase your maximum performance.
Burn Fat Tone Entire Body With This Fun Cardio Circuit
People are loving this workout! Hop in and give it a try it. This is a great way to burn fat and up the fun factor.
Getting Back to the Ocean for StandUp Journal by Suzie Cooney
I’ve got to get out of here and fast. I’d rather be on the water paddling down Maliko catching monster glides and feeling the rush and strong push of wind at my back as I paddle hard to catch the next bump. “Why am I not out there”, I ask myself? “What happened to you Cooney?” I must find my way back to the ocean.
Protein Solution: Simple Delicious Baked Tofu
Who knew tofu could be this GOOD and loaded with protein and potassium? Simple, easy delicious.
Hammer Nutrition Tissue Rejuvenator Helps Me Feel Better and Heal Fast
Being the best resource for you is very important to me. I am walking, functional proof that Hammer’s Tissue Rejuvenator works. I have had many surgeries and injuries and I know my body has received the benefits from this product. I encourage you to try it. Like everything related to recovery and performance, common sense, rest and allowing your body to fully heal is very important.
Here’s What You Can Do To Reduce Stress, Watch My Video to Feel Good Again
Covid19 will not get the best of us. Watch my video to see how I reduce my stress with this simple beach workout you can perform just about anywhere you live.Here’s What You Can Do To Reduce Stress, Read Below and Watch My Video to Feel Good AgainOne thing that seems...
Grateful for Summer SUP Surfing on Maui with Friends
Sup surfing on Maui is my escape, especially during times like these and when I can share a wave good friends, all the better!!
Virtual Training and Personal Coaching Sessions with Suzie Cooney
Curious about what virtual training at home with a virtual trainer is like? Check out videos of my awesome clients from around the world.